April 2015
BG 10 way 17th edition fuse box £48.00
Posted on: 07 Apr 2015. Category: british general stockistsWe stock BG sockets, MCBs and fuse boards. Our latest deal is the loaded twin RCD 10 way board for just £48 inc VAT. This board is in stock now and can delivered next day to any site address if ordered before 2 o'clock. Check out further details on our website now follow the below link. If you a builder or an electrician you can also set up an account online, this will give you further discount on selected products and could save you up to 30%.
Square LED kitchen marker lights only £11.50
Posted on: 04 Apr 2015. Category: Square LED kitchen marker lightsWe have a great range of LED inset marker lights. These modern stainless steel finish inset lights are great for kitchens and stairways. Prices start at £11.50. They have inbuilt drivers, so they wire straight into the mains making them easy to install. You just cut out a single socket sized hole, fit a 47mm back box and they screw straight in just like a light switch. We also sell hand activated switch's and recessed PIR switch's if you are looking for a unique way to turn the LEDs on. Check out the range of LED marker lights on our website now, follow the below link.