Blog - Category: decorative LED lamps

  • decorative led, decorative lamps, squirrelcage, globe, lp60, antique style led, 2200k lamps, high cri leds,

    Decorative LED Lamps

    Posted on: 31 May 2019. Category: decorative LED lamps

    Decorative LED lamps are the perfect replacement for the Old filament squirrel cage, the classic pear-shaped bulb with a hand threaded filament inside, as well as the globes. These are intentionally lower wattages to allow the filament to be visible, they are a truly beautiful decorative feature. Decorative LED's come as 2200k(or lower) which is the same colour as a wax candle, this creates a warm ambiant atmosphere perfect for any room used for relaxing. When using such a warm colour items can look different compared to under a natural light, to avoid this the LED's have high CRI, CRI stands for Colour rendering index and that is a quantitative measure of the ability of a light source to reveal the colors of various objects. In laymen terms, the higher the CRI(max 100) the closer the item looks to being under natural daylight.

    Even though the Decorative LED lamps we stock are only, at most, equivalent to 40w of brightness they are nearly all dimmable for even more control of atmosphere. Pubs and restaurants and cafes now regularly use these types of lamps to create a warm inviting environment. There is a selection of lamp shapes whch include squirrel cage, LP60, 90mm globes, 120m globes and larger, some with a choice of straight or spiralled LED filaments inside. You can view are range of Decorative LED lamps on the link below or visit us in store:

Free 0800 180 4509 7.30AM-5PM | 33 Zetland Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 7AH
Company Number: 10317738
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