February 2024

  • Illuminating Your Outdoor Oasis: A Guide to Garden Lighting

    Posted on: 27 Feb 2024. Category: garden lighting sale 2024

    We are running a special promotion during the month of March 2024 offering 10% off all garden lighting. With this in mind we thought we would provide a bit more information about a sucessful garden lighting scheme....

    A well-designed garden is not just a daytime pleasure; it’s a canvas that can be transformed into a magical space with the right lighting. Garden lighting not only enhances the beauty of your outdoor space but also adds functionality and safety, allowing you to enjoy your garden long after the sun sets. In this guide, we’ll explore different types of garden lighting, design tips, and installation considerations to help you create an enchanting outdoor oasis.

    MGD Electrical | MGD Outdoor Electrical Lighting Design and Installation  can bring you garden to life at night.



    Types of Garden Lighting:

     Garden Path Lights - Enhance Your Outdoor Landscape Design

                    1.            Path Lights: These lights are perfect for illuminating pathways and guiding guests safely through your garden. They come in various styles, from traditional lanterns to modern LED fixtures, and can be solar-powered for energy efficiency.

    Spike Up Your Garden for The Summer! Spike Lighting Tips - Arrow Electrical

                    2.            Spotlights: Spotlights are ideal for highlighting specific features in your garden, such as trees, statues, or architectural elements. Adjustable and directional, they allow you to create dramatic effects and draw attention to focal points.

                    3.            Floodlights: Floodlights provide broad, uniform illumination and are often used for illuminating large areas, such as lawns or outdoor entertaining spaces. They come in a range of brightness levels and can be motion-activated for added security.

    Buy Light My Table Festoon Lights — The Worm that Turned - revitalising  your outdoor space

                    4.            String Lights: Adding a touch of whimsy and charm, string lights create a warm and inviting ambiance in any garden. They can be hung across trees, pergolas, or outdoor seating areas, casting a soft, diffused glow.

    Lighting ideas for your garden pond

                    5.            Underwater Lights: If you have a pond, fountain, or other water feature in your garden, underwater lights can add a mesmerizing element to your outdoor space. Submerged beneath the surface, they create a magical effect, especially at night.


    Design Tips for Garden Lighting:

                    1.            Layered Lighting: Just like indoors, layering different types of lighting creates depth and interest in your garden. Combine path lights for safety, spotlights for accents, and string lights for ambiance to create a balanced and inviting atmosphere.

                    2.            Highlight Key Features: Identify the focal points in your garden, such as unique plants, sculptures, or architectural details, and use lighting to showcase them. Experiment with different angles and intensities to find the most flattering illumination.

                    3.            Create Depth: Strategically placing lights at varying heights and distances adds dimension to your garden, creating depth and visual interest. Consider using uplighting to illuminate tall trees or downlighting for a moonlit effect.

                    4.            Use Warm Tones: Opt for warm white or soft yellow tones for your garden lights, as they create a cozy and inviting atmosphere. Avoid harsh, blue-toned lights, which can feel cold and uninviting in outdoor spaces.

                    5.            Think Beyond Functionality: While safety and functionality are important, don’t forget the decorative aspect of garden lighting. Choose fixtures that complement your garden’s style and aesthetics, whether it’s rustic, modern, or traditional.

     Garden Lighting - Designs For All Seasons

    Installation Considerations:

                    1.            Power Source: Determine whether you’ll need to connect your lights to a power source or if solar-powered options are more suitable for your garden. Consider the location of power outlets and the feasibility of running cables underground.

                    2.            Weather Resistance: Ensure that your garden lights are weatherproof and built to withstand the elements, especially if you live in an area with extreme weather conditions. Look for fixtures with an IP rating for durability and longevity.

                    3.            Professional Installation: While some garden lighting projects can be DIY-friendly, complex installations may require the expertise of a professional electrician or landscaper. Consider hiring a professional for intricate wiring or extensive setups.

                    4.            Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential to keep your garden lights functioning optimally. Clean solar panels, replace bulbs as needed, and inspect wiring for any signs of wear or damage to ensure safety and longevity.


    By carefully selecting and strategically placing garden lighting, you can transform your outdoor space into a captivating sanctuary that can be enjoyed day and night. Whether you’re hosting a soirée under the stars or simply unwinding after a long day, the right lighting can elevate your garden experience to new heights of beauty and enchantment. With ABLECTRICS special March Offer giving 10% off all garden lighting, there is no better time to start putting these tips into practice!

  • Business Lighting Bristol

    Posted on: 13 Feb 2024. Category: Commercial Lighting

    Business lighting in Bristol

    In the realm of business, every detail matters, and lighting is no exception. Whether you're setting the ambiance in a restaurant, creating a productive workspace in an office, or enhancing the aesthetics of a retail store, the right lighting can make a significant difference. However, finding the perfect lighting solution requires partnering with the right business lighting supplier. In this blog, we'll explore the importance of choosing the right supplier and provide tips for selecting one that meets your business's unique needs.

    Why choose Ablectrics for your Business Lighting Supplies

    1. Quality Products: Quality lighting not only illuminates your space but also enhances its overall atmosphere. Ablectrics offers high-quality Well known branded products that are durable, energy-efficient, and designed to meet your specific requirements.

    2. Expertise and Guidance: Lighting design can be complex, especially when considering factors such as color temperature, brightness levels, and energy efficiency. Our Lighting Design can provide expert guidance and help you choose the best lighting solutions for your business.

    3. Customization Options: Every business has its own unique lighting needs and aesthetic preferences. Ablectrics can offer customization options, allowing you to tailor your lighting design to suit your brand identity and create the desired ambiance.

    4. Cost-Effectiveness: While quality is essential, so is affordability. A reputable supplier will offer competitive pricing on their products, helping you achieve your lighting goals without breaking the bank. Additionally, they may offer energy-efficient solutions that can help reduce your long-term operating costs.

    5. Customer Support: From initial consultation to installation and beyond, a reliable lighting supplier will provide excellent customer support every step of the way. Whether you have questions about product specifications or need assistance with maintenance and repairs, they should be readily available to assist you.

    Commerical Lighting in Warehouses

    Commerical lighting in warehouses is usually covered by 2 types of fittings, These are known as High bay and Low bay. As the names suggests, this involves fixtures which are mounted to the ceiling at certian heights to cast the beams of light. Finding the right lighting solutions for your unique location can be a daunting task, especially if you have what is considered a high ceiling, If your ceiling is under the 16 feet mark, you can use ordinary shop lights or low bay lights rather than high bay light fixtures Above 16ft requires an optimized high bay lighting layout that's made for the unique height to achieve a powerful and even illumination. Otherwise, you will waste money from spending too much on fixtures and your utility bill. 

    Commercial Lighting in Offices

    Commercial Lighting in offices was previously square or rectangular Fluorescent fttings which would recessed into a false ceiling. This was a simple and effective way to light large spaces without using up too much of the limted space. LED ceiling panel lights are made to replace these standard fluorescent ceiling light, LEDs are far better than those lights because even though they consume less power, their brightness is immense. They are a popular choice for many companies because it helps them cut down on energy expenses. 

    These lights are typically made with a lightweight aluminium frame with a back cover and have a large surface area. It doesn’t take a lot of LED ceiling panel lights to illuminate an entire office or commercial space. The way these lights are designed helps you maximise each panel’s brightness, covering a wide surface area. In a conference room, you can add one panel over a conference table, and you’ll have a comfortable, well-lit area! LED ceiling panel lights have an extremely illuminating brightness and low-energy usage, which is why many business owners prefer this over other types of lights. 

    Commercial Lighting in Cafe's and Restaurants

    Commercial Lighting in cafe's and restaurants rely on the atmosphere to make you feel relaxed and invited. This, along with the tinkling of glasses, the smell of delicious food and the buzz of happy diners, make people comfortable and hungry. But did you know so much of this vibe is due to the design of the lighting? Poorly lit rooms can affect how satisfied customers feel. From carefully placed accent lights to stylish cable design, smart lighting can influence your mood and appetite. LED tape is a subtle way to light areas you wouldn't expect to be lit and draw your eyes to certain shelves or displays. Pendants over booths or tables create a close, warmth feeling.

    57 Commercial Lighting Ideas | commercial lighting, tech lighting, lighting

    We have a gorgeous showroom in Bristol, with friendly staff and all the latest lighting for your business on display. We can get project pricing from our suppliers and ensure your new lighting project is perfect. Come in and see us at Ablectrics - Frasers House of Lighting 33 Zetland Road, Bristol, BS6 7AH   

    There is also a large free customer carpark.


Free 0800 180 4509 7.30AM-5PM
sales@ablectrics.com | 33 Zetland Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 7AH
Company Number: 10317738
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