Rako Home automation Stockists

Posted on 17 May 2019.

rako controls, rako home automation, rako home automation stockist, lighting control, mood control

Ablectrics is a stockist of the Rako home automation Products, this allows a comprehensive service from our lighting designer to cover all aspects. Rako leads the way in providing state-of-the-art digital dimming technology, providing innovative solutions to meet the needs of a diverse range of applications. They also realise that planning a project can be confusing, especially with the vast array of lamp types and fittings now available. With an unparalleled range of products, together with a hugely experienced support team and network of trained dealers, there's always someone able and willing to help. There is a number of product options including wireless control for ease of installation and retro-fit applications to more complex solutions for a wired network. The ability to offer wireless, wired or combined options means that Rako can provide the best possible approach for any project.

Mood lighting systems offer the user the ability to recall a scene, or mood of lighting at the touch of a single button despite controlling multiple circuits and lamp types. Circuits are split to define zones, highlighting room features and are programmed to suit the different uses of a space, can also be controlled by your smart phone or tablet.

You can view the products available on our website from the link below and we are happy to help with your requirements:


Free 0800 180 4509 7.30AM-5PM
sales@ablectrics.com | 33 Zetland Road, Redland, Bristol, BS6 7AH
Company Number: 10317738
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